[esp-r] Re: How can I find the manual for menu composition?

Jon Hand jon at esru.strath.ac.uk
Mon Dec 8 09:28:31 GMT 2008

A question about the meaning of menu picks in the results analysis
module of ESP-r.

::I am looking for any document in which I can find some explanation of 'esp-r' menu.
::For example, I'd like to know the exact meaning of each item in Result analysis menu.
::What document can I refer to for understanding the menu composition???

Each menu in ESP-r has a '?' option for context sensitive help.  This is
the first place to look for information on the choices being offered.

In some cases the text may be less helpful that some users would like
or confusing to some. This is a great place where the community can help
to identify deficiencies and offer suggestions for improving the text.

In many cases the ESP-r Cookbook is a good place to look for additional
information - but the chapter on the use of the results analysis module
is not yet complete.

Regards, Jon Hand

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