[esp-r] databases

Dave Howorth dave at howorth.org.uk
Wed Jun 4 00:18:26 BST 2008

I started to look at the databases that come with ESP-r, beginning with
the materials one. I noticed what seems to be an error in the thermal
conductivity of copper (it's less than that of aluminium) and it set me
wondering whether any/all of the databases that are distributed with the
software are validated in any way? Or are there other databases that are
validated? I didn't find any information in the docs or by googling.

A related question is whether the format of the databases is documented
somewhere? I noticed there are some quirks in the layout in various
places in the text files and would like to be sure I make valid files if
I edit them. Or is it a case of UTSL?

Thanks, Dave

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