[esp-r] Re: humidity production in greenhouse

Jon Hand jon at esru.strath.ac.uk
Wed Oct 3 12:04:14 BST 2007

A recent question:

::I want to simulate a greenhouse (historical orangery) and have to 
::consider the humidity production of plants. Is it possible to give 
::humidity produced by the plants in [kg/s] as input to the simulation?

Currently the approach to take is to translate kg/s of humidity
into an equivalent latent Watts and include this in the zone
operations file as a casual gain schedule.  

It would be possible to alter the interface to allow a choice
of user inputs (e.g. it would transate g/s into equivalent
latent watts for you).  Probably the interface would use g/s
rather than kg/s because the latter would tend to be a
very small number.


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