[esp-r] Re: Material database question

Jon Hand (clcv10) jon at esru.strath.ac.uk
Wed Apr 4 10:54:35 BST 2007

A recent question about adding new materials to the materials  

> I wish introducet a new material in the database of the materials;
> the characteristics (as density, emissivity, specific heat..etc) in  
> which conditions have to be calcolated  ?

Usually the thermophysical properties included in the ESP-r materials  
are taken from published data and/or standard tests.  Some material
thermophysical properties are sensitive to temperature, but usually a  
practitioner will
use values related to the likely temperature range the material will  
be subjected

If in doubt you could create material entries using data at different  
and see what sensitivity there is in a model to such changes.  It is  
possible to
extend the definition of constructions to adapt the conductivity as a  
of temperature and there is a facility to define uncertainty in  
details.  It is the practitioners choice as to how detailed an  
approach is


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