[esp-r] Re: ESP-r: Windows version 11.2 browse only problem

Jon Hand (clcv10) jon at esru.strath.ac.uk
Mon Dec 4 10:16:31 GMT 2006

A user who downloaded the version 11.2 native windows version of
ESP-r noticed that models previously created by a user seem to
be interpreted as being browse only (no modification allowed) when
opening the model for the 2nd time.

And we checked this out this morning and it does seem to be the
case if you first click on the esp-r.cmd script to start the project
manager (or use the desktop icon) and then use the file browser
within the project manager to locate the model configuration file.

If, instead you use Windows explorer or a Windows file manager to go to
the model 'cfg' folder and you click on the icon of the model cfg
file then the project manager correctly interprets the model as
one which can be modified by the user.

So, if you want to work with one of your own models or a model
that you previously copied to your working area use the above
technique to open up your model.

Looks like we need to revisit the logic associated with the file
browsing within the project manager to determine why it sets
the browse flag incorrectly.  The logic was intended to prevent
users from accidentally corrupting the example models and/or
standard databases that come with the standard distributiion.


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