[esp-r] Re: 11.2: Precompiled Cygwin simulator checks

Gunnar Thöle thoele at ifc-collegen.de
Mon Nov 27 15:53:22 GMT 2006

Jon Hand (clcv10) schrieb:
> A user had an issue with the version 11.2 precompiled cygwin version
> and here is a general discussion about how to check such an installation.
That user being me, i can now solve part of the mystery.

> a) within the cygwin environment issue a  'which prj' command
>     you should get the folder /usr/esru/esp-r/bin and or
>    /home/esru/esp-r/bin
This check was fine.

> b) the size of the executable is 7332352 and an ls -l should
>     indicate the following permissons -rwxr-xr-x
This is the size of the X11 executable of prj.
The GTK version is 7311360 bytes large.
My executable passed this test as well.

> c) if you issue the comand file /usr/esru/esp-r/bin/prj.exe
>    you should get PE executable for MS Windows (console) Intel 80386 32-bit

None of those tests failed for me, but bps still didn't run.
Redownloading the installer with an FTP client instead of a browser, 
explicitly setting the FTP client to "Binary", didn't change anything.
Of course not, because the .run installer verifies itself when run 
("verifying archive integrity") and that went without a hitch.

I needed to compile ESP-r myself on Cygwin to get a working variant of bps.
It is indeed not that difficult to do, so Windows users, fear not. 
Checkout the sourcecode from ESP-r central. Then do what "README" tells 
you to do.
It took a fair amount of computer time, but now i have a working copy of 
bps v11.2 on Cygwin.

I still don't know what's wrong with the installer.

Have a nice evening, Gunnar

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