[esp-r] Requirements, dot file

Axel Jacobs a.jacobs at londonmet.ac.uk
Sun Nov 19 20:34:31 GMT 2006

Dear all,

I'm very happy to see that the README finally got a face-lift that
reflects some of the new developments within esp-r. There are, however, a
few questions still unanswered which, if you don't mind, I would like to

I've been grepping through the src tree, and took the liberty of pasting
some of the output into this message. Some of the longer lines are more
than likely line-wrapped in you e-mail client. Hope this is not too

ESP-r requirements


- RADIANCE (http://radsite.lbl.gov/radiance)

We all know this is optional but suggested. However, there are a few
references to

- gendaylit (http://radsite.lbl.gov/radiance/pub/generators/index.html),
  not part of the official RADIANCE distribution

gendaylit is referenced in:
./esrue2r/radcmds.F:C gendaylit -ang 60 0 -L QDIRILL QDIFILL
./esrue2r/radcmds.F:     &     'gendaylit -ang 60 0 -L 805 100 -g ',rgrfl
./esrue2r/radcmds.F:   write(outs,'(a,2f7.1,a,2f7.1,a,f5.2)')'gendaylit
-ang ',RSALT,
./esrue2r/e2rfile.F:     elseif(OUTSTR(1:11).eq. '# gendaylit')then
./training/cg_ctl/coupling/cfg/timeillum:gendaylit -ang $1 $2 -L $3 $4 -g
.10 > $NAME.sky
./training/cg_ctl/coupling/cfg/1Cou.sky:# gendaylit -ang 0.3 51.9 -L 0.0
5496.3 -g .10

Other weird things


This is a plotting program for X Windows based on Motif. I couldn't find a
home page,
but here is a screen shot:
The package seems to be no longer maintained. Is it required for esp-r to

xvgr is referenced in:
./esrumfs/mfs.F:C If tabular info then create the headder to the xvgr
parameter file.
./esrucom/startup.F:        grfexe='xvgr'
./esrures/iaq.F:C Default value for xvgr file = 0 (off).
./esrures/res.F:C     IFIL + 12 : output data parameters file (for xvgr/
./esrures/utils.F:C If tabular info then create the headder to the xvgr
parameter file.
./esrudbm/startupg.F:        grfexe='xvgr'
./manual/Manual/s3-:module and use the software tool "xvgr" for graphical


A multi-platform vector drawing program. It is still maintained and
available in all major GNU/LINUX distros:
xfig still works fine, although it has been around since before Adam got
into trouble over the apple. The user interface does show this.

xfig is referenced in:
./esrucnv/ecnv.F:      elseif(oformat(1:4).eq.'xfig')then
./esrucnv/ecnv.F:        write(outs,'(a,a)')'The xfig output file will be: ',
./esrucnv/ecnv.F:C If input format is ww and output is xfig go and do this.
./esrucnv/ecnv.F:        call wwxfig(filname1,IER)
./esrucnv/wwxfig.F:C**** convert from ww commands to xfig description.
./esrucnv/wwxfig.F:      subroutine wwxfig(filname1,IER)
./esrucnv/wwxfig.F:C Write xfig header.
./esrucnv/wwxfig.F:C Account for the scaling from the win3d igw igwh to
the xfig units.
./esrucnv/wwxfig.F:C one pixel is 16 xfig units.
./esrucnv/wwxfig.F:C To convert into xfig units multiply by 16.
./esrucnv/Makefile:       mid_lev.o scsys.o sort.o startup.o wwxfig.o
./esruprj/prjqa.F:          call tstamp('>','PRJ: start xfig')
./esruprj/cadio.F:      ITEMS1(5) ='e to xfig (vector ploting) '
./esruprj/cadio.F:      h(16)='model to a vector file for use in the xfig
./esruprj/cadio.F:C Toggle output redirection to xfig.
./esruprj/cadio.F:        h(2)='model to a vetor file for use in the xfig
application. '
./esruprj/cadio.F:        h(6)='Use this facility if you have xfig on your
machine. '
./esruprj/cadio.F:     &    '(last chance to ajust it before export to
./esruprj/cadio.F:C Check if conversion to xfig wanted.
./esruprj/cadio.F:            call askok(' ','Convert output to xfig
./esruprj/cadio.F:     &               xfile(1:lnblnk(xfile)),' -of xfig
-out ',
./esruprj/cadio.F:              call usrmsg('Starting xfig conversion
./esrucom/startup.F:        figexe='xfig'
./esrucom/startup.F:     &  '  -of {esp|dxf|viewer|zip|xfig|vrml} -out
./esrucom/startup.F:     &  ' -of [esp|dxf|viewer|tsbi3|xfig|vrml] = dest
./esruvew/chat.F:      M(21)='> xfig file'
./esrudbm/startupg.F:        figexe='xfig'
./esrudbm/startupg.F:      call edisp(iuout,'  -of
{esp|dxf|viewer|zip|xfig} -out <file>')
./esrudbm/startupg.F:      call edisp(iuout,' -of
[esp|dxf|viewer|tsbi3|xfig] = dest format')
./manual/OS/Cygwin/setting_up_cygwin_2004.txt:               lesstif,
transfig and xfig.
./manual/OS/Apple/setting_up_osx.txt:  transfig (useful) for handling xfig
files (can be generated by results module)
./manual/OS/Apple/setting_up_osx.txt:  xfig (useful) vector
drawing/graphing tool (can be generated by results module)
./manual/Manual/Figs/fig1.1.epsi:%%Title: /tmp/xfig-export005034
./manual/Manual/Figs/fig4.1.1.eps:.9 .9 scale % to make patterns same
scale as in xfig


An image viewer for X11. Shows signs of ageing, and is no longer part of
most GNU/LINUX distros:

xf is referenced in many places, here are just two:
./esrudbm/startupg.F:        grfexe='xvgr'
./esrudbm/startupg.F:        fmtexe(1)='xv'


No idea what this is...

xfs is referenced in:

./env/esprc:*report_gen Reporting tool  xfs
./env/twmrc:"xfs"               !"xfs  &"
./env/esprc_mingw:*report_gen   Reporting tool  xfs
./esrucom/startup.F:        foldexe='xfs '
./esrudbm/startupg.F:        foldexe='xfs '
Binary file ./cetc/h3kreports/LIBCPMT.LIB matches
./Install:    echo "*report_gen,Reporting tool,xfs" >> ${ESPdir}/esprc
./Install:    echo "*report_gen,Reporting tool,xfs" >> ${ESPdir}/esprc
./Install:    echo "*report_gen,Reporting tool,xfs" >> ${ESPdir}/esprc
./Install:    echo "*report_gen,Reporting tool,xfs" >> ${ESPdir}/esprc
./Install:    echo "*report_gen,Reporting tool,xfs" >> ${ESPdir}/esprc

All this brings me directly to another point:

The dot file

It rears its head here:
./esrucom/startup.F:C  SCESPRC: scans the ESP-r dot file (environment)
./esrucom/startup.F:C scesprc scans the ESP-r dot file which should be
located in the
./esrudbm/startupg.F:C  SCESPRC: scans the ESP-r dot file (environment)
./esrudbm/startupg.F:C scesprc scans the ESP-r dot file which should be
located in the

Can I just copy this file:


*gprn,rectangular dump,import
*tprn,Text dump,/tmp/tx_dump
*gxwd,screen dump,import -window root
*cad,CAD package,xzip,ZIP
*tutorial_app,Tutorial,netscape http://www.esru.strath.ac.uk &
*report_gen,Reporting tool,xfs

to $HOME/.esprc and make alterations?

I imagine that xv could easily be replaced by ImageMagick's 'display'...
Likewise, 'editor' can probably be just about anything, right?
And netscape to firefox, say.
But what about xfs and gxwd?

Apologies for bombarding you with all this. I'd be happy to edit the
README on svn, but need to know what to write.



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