[esp-r] Fwd: [ESP-r] how to start esp-r in text mode (updated message)

Jon Hand (clcv10) jon at esru.strath.ac.uk
Fri Sep 29 12:52:26 BST 2006

This is an older message from the archive. It has been updated....

A recent question about running esp-r modules in text mode....

The executable `esp-r` is actually a small script that invokes an
executable named prj.  This script works fine for starting up in
graphic mode on most computers and operating systems.

Some machines do not interpret the script correctly for text
mode and if you find this on your machine use the following:

prj -mode text

to start up in text mode without specifying a model or

prj -mode text -file xx.cfg

to start up in text mode and pointing to a specific model (substitute
your own model configuration file for the xx.cfg)

to find out all of the command line parameters you can use for
any of the esp-r modules (prj/bps/res/ish etc.) use the following  

prj -help

Remember that text mode is also useful if you want to run batch
process or automate your simulation work.  For examples have
a look at the TEST ANALYSE SIMULATE.nc etc. scripts in the folder

Those who are using the native windows version of ESP-r should note
that text mode operation is not available when 'clicking on a model  
file icon' because:
a) this method of invocation defaults to graphic mode
b) there is no 'text console' (in the Linux/Unix/MacOSX sense) to  
display the tool dialog.
c) it may be possible for experts to run ESP-r modules within the  
MSYS command window
     but this has not been tested (truly sad geeks will understand  
the preceding phrase).


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